WingIDE with Maya Python

I'm searching a way to have auto-completion in WingIDE for MayaPhytonAPI...


Unknown said…
u found any solution uptil now.
it worked, any ideas / tips??
On linux 64-bit yes... but I'm now using it under Windows...

I've set the environment variables both in the system and inside WingIDE to:

In System environment:




and in WingIDEs project settings:


and my Maya.env file contains this lines:

MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH = /home/ozgur/maya/plugins:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts/plugins

MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH = /home/ozgur/maya/scripts:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts/oyTools:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts/mayaHacks:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/pymel

PYTHONPATH = /home/ozgur/maya/scripts:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts/oyTools:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/oy-maya-scripts/mayaHacks:/home/ozgur/maya/scripts/pymel

I think all of the three places (system environment, wing environment and maya environment) should be set correctly to get the code completion work
Unknown said…
thanks ozgur, i'll try that tomorrow in office and then let you know, hopefully it will work.

one little confusion / doubt. right now i m assuming that "$(PYTHONDEV); works as is, i mean, should i use "$"?