To set the render image format to OpenEXR you need to set both the imageFormat and imfkey in defaultRenderGlobals. Setting the imageFormat to 51 means that you are going to use a custom image format like Tiff Uncompressed (tif), hdr, exr, Zpic, picture, ppm, ps etc.. and than you set the imfkey to whatever format you want, in my case I set it to 'exr'
from pymel import core as pm dRG = pm.PyNode('defaultRenderGlobals') dRG.setAttr('imageFormat', 51)Edit: Also you can set the compression to ZIP ("Zip (1 scanline)" in Nuke terms) by:
dRG.setAttr('imfkey', 'exr')
mrG = pm.PyNode("mentalrayGlobals") mrG.setAttr("imageCompression", 4)