There are very nice tools like ArgyllCMS that allows you to create very detailed and correct ICC profiles for your printer, but printing with color management is an issue under Linux distros right now. At least to my knowledge it is.
One solution is to use a utility called Photoprint a very nice software that is not maintained anymore.
You can download the source code of the latest version here.
And the usage is explained here in great detail.
And here is what you need to change in the source code so you can compile it for Gutenprint 5.3+:
sudo dnf install gutenprint-devel gutenprint-libs gutenprint-extras gutenprint-libs-ui gutenprint-cups lcms-devel
Update the Makefile to include -lX11 at line 259:
LIBS = -lcups -lpthread -ljpeg -lX11
And then call make:
make -j16
And then you can use the photoprint command.